The Ranalli jewels are a way of formal and stylistic expression by means of accurate and continuously evolving projectual research that allows a play between volumes and combinations of color effects which are enhanced by the appropriate choice of natural stones.
The Ranalli jewels do create compositional harmonies by using gentle and smooth forms that seem to tell us their little stories through elegant and refined combinations of precious materials such as gold and silver always able to capture our fantasy as they are inspired by nature and archaeology.
The Ranalli jewels tell us about history and, at the same time, they are making up the story of a single jewel as something unique and particular being creative expressions of anthropological forms fused together with appropriately recovered antiques materials such as bronze, titan and ebony. Sometimes these jewels' forms are inspired by multi-ethnic art and so it happens that they also become a link between the Italian goldsmith’s tradition and the art expressions of distant cultures and continents.